Zerrie Campbell
Zerrie Campbell (born 1951) began her career in academics as an English and Communications instructor at Malcolm X College, one of the City Colleges of Chicago. Following her years as an assistant professor at Harold Washington College, she pivoted to various administration roles in the City College system. Campbell eventually returned to Malcolm X College where she was the first female president. Under her leadership, Malcolm X College became a top awarder of associate degrees and was nationally recognized as a Model of Exemplary Practices of Engagement by Campus Compact Organization, a Carnegie project. Additionally, the College won three awards for excellence from the Illinois Community College Board. Campbell has been recognized by many local and national organization for her commitment to education and the community and has served as a mentor to women who aspire to hold leadership positions in higher education.
Why this stop? The Blue Line Western Avenue stop is about a 10 minute walk from Malcolm X College.
Connect—Consider taking a class at Malcolm X College or at one of the other City Colleges of Chicago. Find out about the many programs offered.